

Sep 28

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The Best Way to Lose Weight

If you are trying to find the best tool to lose weight, you have come to the right place! This short video will show you what to do in just 2 easy steps! You also get to learn 10 new words & expression to make your English flow! It’s a piece of cake – meaning ‘very easy’!

Level: B1 and above                            


TIP: Print this page & fill in the gaps in writing while listening to the video Then, you may file the page for future reference.

Watch the video and fill in the gaps.


To lose weight, you need to know one ………………….. only.

You need to ……………………….more calories than you take in.

In the era of technology, a lot of people turn to apps to look up calorie ……………………..which tell you how much you should eat.

There are ones that even figure out how many calories you burn through ……………………….. .

But there are some key…………………………… with that!

Equations that tell you how many calories you burn through exercise are almost always ……………….. .

There is also no good way to know how many calories you burn at ………………….. .

An online calculator might …………………. close, but  it might not.

Your own baseline calorie burn called resting metabolic rate depends on a lot of ……………….. such as stress, anxiety, gender, genetics, and medications.

You have to track every single morsel you eat, but this is nearly…………………….. even for the most tidy person out there.

But there is a better way – here is what you should do:

# 1 Weigh yourself every morning for 2 weeks. Make sure that you write it down or you use a scale that tracks it for you. Use an app to ……………………. everything you eat.

# 2 Two weeks later look through your weight data.

If you stayed about the same, then your average daily calorie intake is your maintenance number. Cut that by up to 500 calories to …………………… weight.

If your weight went down over 2 weeks, then your calorie intake is a good weight loss goal.

Most people automatically eat less when they start ………………………. their food.

That’s because when you become more mindful about what you’re putting into your body then mindless munching takes place a lot less often.



rule / burn / calculators / exercise / wrong / rest / come / factors / impossible / log / lose / tracking



anxiety = being anxious, nervous

baseline = a starting point to compare something to

come close = to be close to something (here: to make a very good guess)

equation = a math statement showing that 2 numbers or amounts are equal (the same)

gender = male or female

issue = 1 (here) problem!  2 topic

make sure that = to do something in order to be certain that something will happen

maintenance = upkeep

mindful = paying attention to what you do

munch (verb) = to eat

morsel = a little piece of food

at rest = when resting not moving

take place (verb) = to happen

track (verb) = to follow someone or some data such as weight


Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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Permanent link to this article: http://www.euenglish.hu/2015/09/the-best-tool-to-lose-weight/

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