Typical Mistakes in CVs – The JOB HUNT Series


Categories: A2/B1 B1/B2 B2/C1 CV/Resume/Cover letter


People often make typical mistakes in their CVs. Let’s see what the most common mistakes are so you can avoid them next time you apply for a job.

The top 5 most common typical mistakes

 Typos, grammatical errors & incorrect information

Your CV must be grammatically perfect. You also must make sure that all the information you give about yourself (phone numbers, email, websites) are correct – a small error can lead to an employer not being able to contact you. Check and double-check your CV before sending it out. Don’t just use spell-check on your computer, read the CV and check your information 2-3 times before sending it.

 Sending the same CV with all your applications for different jobs

When you are sending out a one-size-fits-all CV with all of your applications, your CV will probably end up in the trash can. Be specific about the details of your previous jobs, so employers can see why you would be a perfect addition to their team.

Don’t say:   I worked at a hotel.

Say:          I worked as a receptionist at a 4-star hotel with 100 rooms, and coordinated the work of 5 other receptionists.

 Highlighting job duties instead of real accomplishments

Don’t say: I greeted guests, checked them in, and answered their questions.

Say:        I co-developed the internal registration system of the hotel. I used a computer to record guest check-in and check-out data, I participated in the organization of 10 conferences, I reorganized the reservation system of the hotel making it more accessible and transparent to team members.

 Using lots of clunky NOUNS instead of funky VERBS

Using a lot of nouns and noun phrases (e.g., responsible for, the organization of a conference) will make your writing boring and monotonous. Use verbs and verb phrases instead!

Don’t say: I was responsible for the organization of conferences.

Say: I helped organize/ I organized 10 conferences with over 1,000 guests last year.

Visually too colorful & busy

Make sure your CV is NOT too bright, colorful and it is NOT packed with wall-to-wall text, pictures, different fonts and colors. Opt for a clear design that is easy to process visually.


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Jobs & Employment – Interactive Vocabulary Quiz – Part 1

The EUROPASS CV Template Explained – CV Writing Part 1



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