

Feb 03

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Job Interview – What to do with your Hands? – JOB HUNT

Having a good resume, an effective cover letter or being dressed properly for a job interview is just the beginning. But how to manage your HANDS ??

As you could see in our previous post, your BODY LANGUAGE also shapes who your are! So, if you really want to nail your job interview, there are a handful of things you should and… you shouldn’t do! In their book “Crazy Good Interviewing,” John B. Molidor, Ph.D., and Barbara Parus share the most important HAND DO’S and HAND DON’Ts in a job interview!

Before you watch the video, GUESS which hand activity is considered a DO and which a DON’T. It’s more difficult than it seems:) Go on!

Before you watch the video, GUESS which hand activity is considered a DO and which a DON’T. It’s more difficult than it seems:)

Go on!




And NOW check your answers (along with some further useful TIPS) in the video below.




Sample Answers to the Weakness Question – The JOB HUNT series

Sample Answers to the Weakness Question – Interactive Listening Quiz – The JOB HUNT series

The trickiest interview questions – The JOB HUNT Series


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Permanent link to this article: http://www.euenglish.hu/2016/02/job-interview-hands/

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