

Feb 24

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Who’s who in the EU? – JUNCKER

Quite often, EU institutions and EU terms are hidden behind names, abbreviations or even word plays. So, if you do not know the key personalities of the EU (Tusk, Juncker, Mogherini, etc.) and the main concepts under discussion, you can hardly guess, what is actually meant by a newspaper headline.

Look at the headline below by REUTERS. Do you know which institution is represented by JUNCKER and what is meant by EU deal in this context?

EU’s Juncker ‘quite confident’ of EU deal with Britain

Take our QUIZ to find it out!

Pictures, quotes and lots more help you identify his post at EU level.

Quiz 1

EU Abbreviations Quiz – Do you know the short for the following?

And now, you may read the whole article HERE


Who’s who in the EU? – TUSK

PM, MP or MEP? Quiz on Top Jobs in EU and National Contexts

Image courtesy by tvnewsroom.consilium.europa.eu

Permanent link to this article: http://www.euenglish.hu/2016/02/whos-who-in-the-eu-jean-claude-juncker/

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