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  • The website of the European Union

    • EUR-LEX
      EUR-LEX is an official EU portal which provides free access to EU law (i.e. the founding treaties, their amendments, binding and non-binding legal acts, etc.), the official Journal of the EU and other useful information on EU legislation in all of the EU’s official and working languages.
    • The EU’s multilingual database: Interactive Terminology for Europe (IATE)
      The continuously updated IATE database contains the terminology of the European Union in all the official languages of the EU. The database has a particularly great significance, because it has merged the previously independent databases of EU institutions, and has also made them accessible to the general public. It should also be noted that database was primarily created to support translation work. As a result, it may include terms or even sentence elements that occur in EU texts and are important for translators, but cannot be considered as part of EU terminology. So the database can be a useful tool for language learners, but owing to the manifold data, one has to be competent in looking things up in it.
  • European Union Information Website – EurActiv
    An independent media portal fully dedicated to EU affairs. The powerful document database system EurActiv uses allows teachers  to link to all relevant EU documents and policy positions and use them, as authentic sources, in the classroom.
  • European Parliament – EUROPARL TV:
  • Research Institute for the Languages of Finland
  • The Institute is administered by the Finnish Ministry of Education and devoted to the study and language planning of the languages of Finland. It also carries out research on EU Finnish and its impact on current linguistic practices in Finland (e.g. a survey on the Finnish officials’ use of languages and their perception of the intelligibility of the EU texts.) Visitors of the website may also contact the Institute’s resident EU expert by email for guidance on EU-related Finnish usage.
  • Hungarian websites
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